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Ready-to-use, single-component, water-based resin preparation designed to grout flexible surfaces subject to vibrations (exhibition stands, showrooms, etc.).

UV resistant, washable, water repellent, stain resistant, mold resistant; available in all colors and on request also customizable tone on tone.

Its consistency and elasticity make it ideal for plugging floors and walls with joints from 1 to 15 mm. Product exempt from hazard classification.

Putties Monoflex
Putties single component Monoflex
Stucco monocomponente
dimensione della fuga
supporto elastico



Apparance Colored paste in any required color
Mixeing ratio Absent, ready for use
Workability time For cleaning: 10/15 minutes depending on the temperature
Hardening time 12/24 hours
Application temperature Temperatures between +5°C and 30°C
Storage 12 months – In original sealed containers
Packaging 2,5 kg bag
Safety measures Please refer to the Safety Sheet
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